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  • Writer's pictureAnmol Ramgiri


Updated: Apr 25, 2019


And Pause!

Stressed? Tensed? Missing Something? Someone?

Leave Everything and Just Come with Me till The End.

Why are you crawling till the weekend and then getting up?

Seize The Day May Friend! – (Laila, ZNMD)

हसो, जिओ, मुस्कराओ कल हो हो! – (Aman, You Know from Where!)

Don’t worry you have everything with you. You just need to bring it into action.

तो ऑडियंस यार ब्लॉग बनाया है अच्छा लगे तो लाइक, शेयर, सब्सक्राइब करदेना!

आराम से बैठे हो?

शुरू करे?

Life is not complex. It is just volatile, you just need to push the clutch switch the gear and accelerate!

Pass Theory discusses about the Professional, Artistic, Spiritual and Sport Imbalance in your life.

I know these things look pretty on paper but are difficult in implementing.

Hakuna Matata!

One step at a time and you will learn to fly after sometime.

So, I will ask you the awkward question now, Sorry!

When was the last time you had fun?

What? What kind of a question is that Anmol? I had fun on the weekend.

Nope! That is not fun.

Having some drinks, buzzing and talking random stuff, losing motor control is not fun.

Consider this, when was the last time you connected to yourself?

When was that day when you lost track of time?

When did you last feel fresh from inside?

Trust me it is possible, to enjoy your Mornings, Commute, Work, Food, Sleep, Relations. In short, Life!

The only thing you need to change is the approach towards the 4 pillars of your life, which are:

1. Your Profession,

2. Practicing Art,

3. Involving In Spirituality,

4. Playing Any Sport

These 4 guys act as pillars of happiness when practiced in the right balance. let’s talk to each of them

personally and see what do they have for us?

अध्याय पहला

व्यवसाय / काम

You might have thought one day or still think that I won’t work for anybody and 9 to 5 is not my thing.

Oh! It has become 9-8 these days due to traffic.

Ok! Look at it from here,

Professional life teaches you the crude tools of life.

You learn them and keep them in your toolbox. Whenever you have any problem you can use tools from

this toolbox.

So, make sure you have a quality tool box. These tools are learnt in a day to day job.

So, what are these tools?

Basic issues you face everyday to which you have to find solutions,

  • Managing time

  • Dealing with criticism

  • Learning something new but failing miserably

  • Handling stress and deadlines

  • Office Politics

  • Confidence

  • Punctuality

And the list goes on, you will need many toolboxes to store them.

But, how do I enjoy my work?

Every night ask yourself these questions,

Have I made an impact? Have I delivered what I am best at in the finest quality? Am I enjoying delivering the finest quality of work?

If anything comes out as a NO there is some problem.

People Jump to the conclusions without understanding the type of the problem and do something drastic, but I will help you zoom into this problem and fix that happiness leak from your mind.

PASS might be a solution to this problem of yours.

अध्याय दूसरा


What would be your reaction if I say art is actually a therapy for depressed people to help them comeback to their normal routine?

Such is the power of art!

A person when stressed, or wants to switch off from the world seeks an art therapist who gives him/her freedom to express his state of mind on a blank white paper.

This white paper acts as a medium on which you express your anger, perspective, unconscious state, or anything you want to.

You won’t have to switch off from the world just go back to the careless kid you were during your schooling.

What is the significance of a white paper?

Its neutral. It acts as a medium for your unconscious self to speak without having the fear of being judged.

Splash your colors of freedom on a white paper and let the nonverbal communication with yourself begin!

Start before you need a therapist who you can speak to.

Don’t you yet feel everything you need is in there with you already?

No worries!

Let’s continue....

अध्याय तीसरा



what a war like feeling we have in our mind when the adrenaline pumps throughout the body and you just want to win it from there during a game.

And how can we forget its importance in building personality (Physical & Mental) and giving exposure to tools like sportsman spirit and the feeling of winning and LOSING.

Do you remember when you were just back from the school and 2-3 friends called you to play cricket?

I remember that!

I never felt time happening when I used to play. Did you?

But where did we go wrong? Why did we stop?

I know,

Career happened isn’t it?

We were pushed into believing that you must study now, and rest of the whole life is available to play.

That is not wrong parenting, every act of parenting is focused towards protecting you but unless you are not face to face with life you never learn!

Let’s go back and hold that bat again, lets go back to spinning the ball again, let shout the names of our friends and call them to play, lets play the game of life on front foot!

But how is sport related to the index of happiness,


You cannot play forever, you must not work every day, you should not eat the same food every day. Isn’t it?

“Because only change can make you enjoy everything”

Practicing sports leads to release stress in the form of aggression, physical movement, and using energy on the field.

India is the diabetes capital of the world, and we also house lifestyle disorders like Obesity, Blood Pressure, Hear Diseases, and PCOD.


Because we are unconsciously still pushing ourselves towards profession, career and FUTURE.

What is future?

Future is now! You live a healthy, balanced life and your future will be secure.

Why do we need to look into the idiot box watching someone else play? Why can’t you go out in the sun and put your body into action?

But whom would I play with everybody is busy, Right?

Call that person who is always up for a drink, call that person who calls you online for mobile gaming, call your siblings or your office colleagues.

Start on Sundays, okay put technology to its correct use.

There are apps which help to connect people interested in the same sport in a common vicinity like Meetup (No Promotions Intended)

अध्याय चौथा


Before diving into the amusing topic give me a chance to clear the dust of the surface.

So, there is a confusion between spirituality and religion.

In the words of Sadhguru (जग्गी वासुदेव) sadly both these terms are used in the same breath but the meanings are completely different.

Religious people have assigned some system which they believe is the truth and has been derived by someone for everyone else.

Spirituality on the other hand is the journey towards finding your truth, it doesn’t involve some external factors to be considered.

Spirituality is about diving into yourself and finding something you never knew existed but ALWAYS had the thirst to know.

Here I want to talk about spirituality not because I don’t believe in religion but just because spirituality suits me better!

Do you have trouble avoiding thoughts about some incidents, or some people?

Do these thoughts haunt you before you sleep?

Has any thought been constantly haunting you from many days and you have asked yourself how do I gain control over this?

Everyone has that taxing problem of cutting the thought process.

The solution is simply tricky! You need to start controlling what controls you.

But every time you make an attempt it gets more and more difficult, isn’t it?

You see mind is like a kid,

the more you want it to behave in a certain way the more it tries to go somewhere else.

The more you put it into cages the more it breaks them and wanders all around.

So, what do you do?

The exactly same you would do with a child!

Be patient and don’t force yourselves into anything while practicing spirituality.

Where Should You Start?

Start following some spiritual practices, you don’t need to turn on the TV and watch the devotional


Get some headspace from the app Headspace to get a start (No Promotions Intended)

Always remember one thing. Be Logical. Be Rational. Don’t follow anything blindly.

It is difficult to find a GURU in 2019 but there are some people who I think are making all the difference.

Jaggi Vasudevji (Sadhguru) for that matter has always been rational and practical in his speeches.

He has spoken about sensitive topics like Hinduism, Religion, Yogic Importance, and cleared the dust off

from topics like Upvaasa, Maha Shivratri, Sleeping Directions and many more.

He has successfully filtered many such things which have been polluted by people who run an enterprise by selling such knowledge.

Once you are in the guidance of such a guru and practice spirituality on a daily basis by implementing it in the pure form and not diluting or tampering its principles, you will start enjoying everything.

You will feel blissful and content.

“A 21st Century human being has distributed the remote control of his mood in the hands of many people.

All he needs to do is control what is inside to enjoy the outside”

Let me give you that philosophical push by quoting this poem by Farhan Akhtar:

दिलों में तुम अपनी बेताबियाँ लेके चल रहे हो तो ज़िंदा हो तुम

नज़र में ख्वाबो की बिजलिया लेके चल रहे हो तो ज़िंदा हो तुम

हवा के झोंकों के जैसे आज़ाद रहना सीखो

तुम एक दरिया के जैसे लहरों में बहना सीखो

हर एक लम्हे से तुम मिलो खोली अपनी बाहें

हर एक पल एक नया समां देखे ये नाघाऐ

जो अपने आँखों में हैरानियाँ लेके चल रहे हो तो ज़िंदा हो तुम

दिलों में तुम अपनी बेताबियाँ लेके चल रहे हो तो ज़िंदा हो तुम!

- Farhan Akhtar


Now get off this screen and go deal with these 4 guys!

PS: Like, Comment and Subscribe and keep me motivated to keep you motivated.

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And Play!

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